
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Plapper, P.; Houssiau, L.* Diffusion at the interface of laser welded polyamide-6.6 and aluminum assemblies. Journal of Materials Researh and Technology2024, 33, 7303-7309
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  • Hirchenhahn, P.*; Guyot, C.; Laugier, C.; Maindron, T.; Gilquin, B.; Fisher, G.; Barnes, J.-P. Matrices to enhance the ion yield of OLED molecules in ToF-SIMS: An interesting alchemist solution. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 2024, 42 (4), 044003
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  • Hirchenhahn, P.*; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Plapper, P.; Houssiau, L. Probing the reaction mechanism between a laser welded polyamide thin film and titanium with XPS and ToF-SIMS. Talanta, 2022, 247 (123529), 1-11. 
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  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Plapper, P.; Houssiau, L.* Binding Mechanism between Laser welded Polyamide-6.6 and Native Aluminum Oxide. ACS Omega, 2021.
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  • Al-Sayyad, A.*; Lama, P.; Bardon, J.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Houssiau, L.; Plapper, P. Laser Joining of Titanium Alloy to Polyamide: Influence of Process Parameters on the Joint Strength and Quality. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., 2020.
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  • Hirchenhahn, P.*; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Felten, A.; Plapper, P.; Houssiau, L. Highlighting Chemical Bonding between Nylon-6.6 and the Native Oxide from an Aluminum Sheet Assembled by Laser Welding. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., 2020, 2 (7), 2517–2527. 
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  • Al-Sayyad, A.*; Lama, P.; Bardon, J.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Houssiau, L.; Plapper, P. Laser Welding of Titanium Alloy Ti64 to Polyamide 6.6: Effects of Welding Parameters on Temperature Profile Evolution. Int. J. Mater. Metall. Eng. 2020, 14 (4), 113–116.
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  • Al-Sayyad, A.*; Bardon, J.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Vaudémont, R.; Houssiau, L.; Plapper, P. Influence of Aluminum Laser Ablation on Interfacial Thermal Transfer and Joint Quality of Laser Welded Aluminum-Polyamide Assemblies. Coatings, 2019, 9 (11), 768. 
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Conference proceedings

  • Bardon, J.; Del Frari, D.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Houssiau, L.; Plapper, P. Laser Welding of Polyamide-6.6 and Aluminium: Effect of Preliminary Alulinium Anodisation Treatment. In Extended Abstracts of Adhesion’19; Bristol, 2019. 4 pages.
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  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Felten, A.; Plapper, P.; Houssiau, L. Laser Welding of Polyamide-6.6 and Titanium: A Chemical Bonding Story. In Extended Abstracts of Adhesion’19; Bristol, 2019. 4 pages.
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  • Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Santos, K.; Houssiau, L.; Plapper, P. Aluminum Pretreatment by a Laser Ablation Process: Influence of Processing Parameters on the Joint Strength of Laser Welded Aluminum - Polyamide Assemblies. Procedia CIRP 2018, 74, 495–499. 4 pages.
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  • Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Mertz, G.; Haouari, C.; Houssiau, L.; Plapper, P. Influence of Laser Ablation and Plasma Surface Treatment on the Joint Strength of Laser Welded Aluminum-Polyamide Assemblies. Jnpli 2017 2017. 6 pages.
    link to the article

Oral presentations

  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Verkhoturov, D.; Verkhoturov, S.; Eller, M.; Della Negra, S.; Schweikert, E. A., Augmenting the performances of nanoprojectile SIMS with a 64-anodes detector, SIMS 24, September 2024, La Rochelle, France.
  • Barnes, J.-P., Guyot, C., Hirchenhahn, P., Gomes de Carvalho, A., Gauthier, N., Maindron, T., Gilquin, B., Ratel, D., Gaude, C., Renault, O., Galtayries, A., Fisher, G. L., Seydoux, C., Jouneau, P.-H., Correlative analysis of beam and air-sensitive materials using TOF-SIMS, SEM and XPS, AVS69, November 2023, Portland, United States of America.
  • Barnes, J.-P., Guyot, C., Hirchenhahn, P., Gomes de Carvalho, A., Gauthier, N., Maindron, T., Gilquin, B., Ratel, D., Gaude, C., Renault, O., Galtayries, A., Fisher, G. L., Seydoux, C., Jouneau, P.-H., Correlative analysis of beam and air-sensitive materials using TOF-SIMS, SEM and XPS, Rice SIMS Workshop, September 2023, Houston, United States of America. 
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Guyot, C.; Laugier, C.; Renault, O.; Maindron, T.; Barnes, J.-P., Investigating crystallization with mass spectrometry: a new way to characterize OLED molecules, SCF Congress, June 2023, Nantes, France.
  • Barnes, J.-P., Guyot, C., Hirchenhahn, P., Maindron, T., Renault, O., Fisher, G. L., The importance of sample preparation in time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis for semiconductor applications, SISS-22, June 2023, Kanazawa, Japan.
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Guyot, C.; Laugier, C.; Renault, O.; Maindron, T.; Barnes, J.-P., Assessing the crystallization of OLED molecules using mass spectrometry, EMRS Spring meeting 2023, May 2023, Strasbourg, France.
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Guyot, C.; Laugier, C.; Renault, O.; Maindron, T.; Barnes, J.-P., Mass spectrometry to investigate crystallinity of OLED molecules: a novel application of ToF-SIMS measurements, ISSC-24, April 2023, Manchester, United Kingdom.
  • Houssiau, L.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Plapper, P., Polyamide chemical bonding with titanium and aluminum probed with ToF-SIMS and XPS, SIMS XXIII, Octobre 2022, Minneapolis, USA.
  • Barnes, J.-P.; Guyot, C.; Renault, O.; Moreno, M.; Langer, E.; Gauthier, N.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Maindron, T.; Mazel, Y.; Nolot, E.; Chevalier, N.; Gautier, B.; Houssiau, L.; Tempez, A.; Legendre, S.; Fisher, G. Correlative approaches based on mass spectrometry for semiconductor applications, IMSC 2022, September 2022, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
  • Barnes, J.-P.; Guyot, C.; Renault, O.; Moreno, M.; Langer, E.; Gauthier, N.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Maindron, T.; Mazel, Y.; Nolot, E.; Chevalier, N.; Gautier, B.; Houssiau, L.; Tempez, A.; Legendre, S.; Fisher, G. Correlative approaches based on mass spectrometry for semiconductor applications, IMSC 2022, Septembre 2022, Maastricht, Netherlands.
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Guyot, C.; Maindron, T.; Gilquin, B.; Fisher, G.; Barnes, J.-P. De l’utilisation de matrices en ToF-SIMS tandem MS pour la caractérisation d’OLEDs, 1ère rencontre du GDR MSI, Juin 2022, Bordeaux, France.
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Guyot, C.; Maindron, T.; Gilquin, B.; Fisher, G.; Barnes, J.-P. Optimisation de dépôt de matrices pour faciliter la caractérisation d’OLEDs en ToF-SIMS tandem MS, Journée de Printemps de la section Rhône-Alpes de la SCF, June 2022, Le Bourget du Lac, France.
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Plapper, P.; Houssiau, L.; Guyot, C.; Maindron, T.; Gilquin, B.; Barnes, J.-P. From polymer/metal interfaces’ analysis to ToF-SIMS tandem MS measurement optimization, Rencontres Chimie-Physique 2021, September 2021, Sète, France.
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Felten, A.; Plapper, P.; Houssiau, L. Chemical Bonding between Laser Welded Aluminum and Nylon-6.6, SIMS XXII, October 2019, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Bardon, J.; Del Frari, D.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Houssiau, L.; Plapper, P. Laser welding of polyamide-6.6 and aluminum: effect of preliminary aluminum anodization treatment, Adhesion’19, September 2019, Bristol, United Kingdom.
  • Al-Sayyad, A.; Lama, P.; Bardon, J.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Houssiau, L.; Plapper, P. Laser Joining of Titanium Alloy to Polyamide: Influence of Process Parameters on the Joint Strength and Quality, FAIM 2019, June 2019, Limerick, Ireland.
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Felten, A.; Plapper, P.; Houssiau, L. Liaisons Chimiques à l’Interface d’Aluminium et de Polyamide après Soudure Laser, 9ème Journées des Utilisateurs Francophones de SIMS, March 2019, Bordeaux, France.
  • Bardon, J.; Al Sayyad, A.; Del Frari, D.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Houssiau, L.; Plapper, P. Laser welding of aluminum-polyamide assemblies: influence of aluminum surface pre-treatment on the joint strength, Euradh 2018, September 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Santos, K.; Houssiau, L.; Plapper, P. Aluminum Pretreatment by a Laser Ablation Process: Influence of Processing Parameters on the Joint Strength of Laser Welded Aluminum – Polyamide Assemblies, LANE 2018, September 2018, Fürth, Germany.
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Felten, A.; Plapper, P.; Houssiau, L. Chemical Bonds between Laser Welded Aluminum and Polyamide?, SIMS Europe 2018, September 2018, Münster, Germany.
  • Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Mertz, G.; Haouari, C.; Houssiau, L.; Plapper, P. Influence of Preliminary Surface Treatment on the joint strength of laser welded aluminum-polyamide assemblies, JNPLI, September 2017, Strasbourg, France.

Poster presentations

  • Guyader, V.; Borde, Y.; Coquand, C.; Beatini, G.; Cascarano, M.; Lavie, J.; Pierre, F.; Hirchenhahn, P.; Barnes, J.-P., ToF-SIMS analysis to solve a case of airborne molecular contamination of a new lithography mask zone in the cleanroom, SIMS 24, September 2024, La Rochelle, France.
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Guyot, C.; Maindron, T.; Gilquin, B.; Fisher, G.; Barnes, J.-P., Optimization of matrix spraying on OLEDs to increase the ionization in ToF-SIMS for tandem MS applications, IMSC 2022, September 2022, Maastricht, Netherlands.
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Felten, A.; Plapper, P.; Houssiau, L. Laser Welding of Polyamide-6.6 and Titanium: a Chemical Bonding Story, Adhesion’19, September 2019, Bristol, United Kingdom.
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Lamberti, C.; Noel, C.; Plapper, P.; Houssiau, L. Laser Welding of Aluminum and Polyamide: an Adhesion Story, SIMS XXI, September 2017, Krakaw Poland.


  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Plapper, P.; Houssiau, L.; Guyot, C.; Laugier, C.; Mariolle, D.; Maindron, T.; Renault, O.; Fisher, G.; Barnes, J.-P.; Verkhoturov, D.; Verkhoturov, S.; Eller, M.; Della Negra, S.; Schweikert, E. A., There's more to ToF-SIMS: a Journey exploring Mass Spectra, at Institut des Sciences Analytiques et de Physico-Chimie pour l'Environnement et les Matériaux (IPREM) CNRS, September 2024, Pau, France.
  • Hirchenhahn, P.; Al-Sayyad, A.; Bardon, J.; Plapper, P.; Houssiau, L.; Guyot, C.; Laugier, C.; Mariolle, D.; Maindron, T.; Renault, O.; Fisher, G.; Barnes, J.-P.; Verkhoturov, D.; Verkhoturov, S.; Eller, M.; Della Negra, S.; Schweikert, E. A., There's more to ToF-SIMS: a Journey exploring Mass Spectra, at Institut des Sciences Analytiques (ISA) CNRS, September 2024, Lyon, France.


  • Pierre Hirchenhahn, University of Namur (Feb. 2021). Coller sans colle ! (video in French). YouTube. Link to the video

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